Tuesday 27 January 2015

Selamat Datang Ke Tasik Kenyir! / Welcome To Tasik Kenyir

Pihak kami menawarkan pelbagai pakej menarik bagi membantu anda melancong ke Tasik Kenyir. Antara servis yang kami tawarkan adalah khidmat bot laju, bot rumah, pemandu pelancong (nature guide), mendaki gunung (hiking), memancing/casting, riadah, jungle trekking dan berkhemah. Berikut adalah senarai harga pakej yang di tawarkan.

We offer the variety of attractive packages to help you travel at Lake Kenyir. Among the services that we offer is a service speed boats, house boats, tourist guides(nature guide), hiking, fishing/ casting, leisure, jungle trekking and camping. Here is the list price of the package is on offer.

Senarai Harga / Price List.

  • Bot laju / Speed Boat
  • Bot rumah / House Boat
  • Pemandu Pelancong / Nature Guide
  • Mendaki Gunung / Hiking
  • Sewa peralatan memancing / Rent casting stuff
  • Sewa peralatan berkhemah / Rent camping stuff
  • Jungle Trekking 

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